The Foster Company USA follows all internationally recognized standards as they apply to the equipment being installed, and as adopted and used by the Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM). The Foster Company USA does not sanction the misapplication of these standards by mixing and matching standards from different standard committees applied to any given product. The Foster Company USA’s engineers will apply these standards along with sound engineering judgment and common sense as they apply to the OEM design and the implementation of those designs. To that end, following is a list of the common standards used in the products that The Foster Company USA’s engineers apply and a second list of standards that are occasionally used by The Foster Company USA engineers. As Standards and Specifications change regularly, these lists are not all inclusive lists. Additionally, The Foster Company USA’s engineers follow the rules and laws internal to the county where the equipment is being installed. In all cases, The Foster Company USA’s engineers will point out discrepancies if they arise between any competing specifications and will not allow any unsafe conditions to arise under the guise of following a specification.
The Common Standards and Specifications followed:
ACI - American Concrete Institute
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
API - American Petroleum Institute
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS - American Welding Society
IEEE - Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association Collection
The Occasional Standards and Specifications followed:
AEC AEC - Construction Standards
AGA American Gas Institute
AWWA - American Water Works Association
BSI - British Standards Institution
CEA - Consumer Electronics Association
CECC CENELEC - Electronic Components Committee
CSA - Canadian Standards Association International
DIN - German Institute for Standardization
DOD - Department of Defense
DODD - Department of Defense Directives
EU DIR - European Directives
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
JSA - Japanese Standards Association
NFPA (Fire) - National Fire Protection Association
NFPA (Fluid) - National Fluid Power Association
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
TIA - Telecommunications Industry Association Collection
UL - Underwriters Laboratories